Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gone but still training.

Though I am still not blogging much, I am still training as a madman.

Lots of shit has happened to me in the last 11 months of my life, and most of it was working a LOOOOOONG way from home.

At this point, I am heavily into hormone balancing, intermittent fasting, power rack work to eliminate my week spots in the overhead press and deadlift. Diet. Rest. Stretching. Weak point work. These are where your increases will happen. Biofeedback testing will keep you humble and consistently progressing. Work on making a few things at a time better. Make them a few critical big moves, and you are golden, depending on your goals. It's that simple.

I am planning on getting a 160 lb. One arm MP and a 405 lb. One arm deadlift. Am closing in on both. As well as working on getting certified with the CoC 3.0, which I closed a while back with little training for it. All while leaning out. Check it out.

As for power rack work, check out Brooks Kubik's work. I will say this: doing partial push presses with 360 lbs in your hands, and holding 600+ without straps in the top of the lockout makes everything else light, and shrinks your waist. No joke. It is the ultimate ab work. I dare you to try it. No belts allowed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Working Too Much

Sorry yall. Have been on the road almost non-stop for months now, and my training plans with the exception of BW work, grippers, and anything I can substitute with the TNT bands (from, has gone to the wayside.

So joint mobility work, respiratory musculature training have been receiving more emphasis, as well as a complete dietary outline upheaval.

My Overhead Press numbers with the TNT bands are going nuts, with me working up to doubles with 2 black bands and 1 green band at 2.8 times the resting length. According to LifeLineUSA, the three bands I work up to total 280 lbs resistance at twice their resting length. So I have no clue as to the actual resistance level, but it is not easy. And they REALLY try to get away from you, so you have to really keep the shoulder capsule locked down and your pressing line dialed in.

Have been experimenting with utilizing multiple sets with lower reps in a rest-pause style on one meta-set utilizing more than one pressing angle, before I switch to the other arm. It has vastly improved overall stability and power transferal through the joint, with no real effect on increases in resistance. Coupled with BW rows to keep the antagonists up to par, my pressing power is improving greatly, evident when I actually get to use my KBs when I am home.

Seriously kicks your as when it cones to making everything full body, as you have to resist the off-angle pull when you are working one arm at a time. Which brings me to windmills with these things:


The way to go about them is a little tricky and would take a long while to explain, but suffice it to say that it takes serious control, and because the resistance increases as you return to a standing position, it gets worse as you push through the hardest point. I preceed these with what looks like side presses to force my shoulders to work from a state of pre-exhaustion to challenge my stabilizers. Seems to do the trick.

The rest is usually whatever I feel like doing or tests well. Usually it is Teeth Lifts, gripper work, bridging, bw squats, and ab work. Whatever tests well.

Combined with cleaner eating and intermittent fasting (Eat-Stop-Eat is the real deal), I am going to be implementing Mike T. Nelson's Met Flex knowledge and the wealth of hormone optimization literature Mike Mahler has produced, things should get interesting.

I will try to post as often as Internet connectivity allows, as being a remote site Medic does not allow for great comm access of any sort.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gone but training HARD

A busy time for me, but the training continues nonetheless. Am spending 3 weeks at a shot 1700 km north of my home town. So the TNT bands were my tool, and I had insane results from it. Try high & low windmills with a couple of green TNT bands wrapped around you, and you will know hard. Takes a LOT of body control. But your spine will thank you.

Have gone old school with my training, even pulling the "chest expander" movement out of retirement. My upper back and rear delta have blown up, so they are worth using. But try them for yourself. The rest is MPs of all sorts, DLs of all sorts, Grippers, and Teeth Lifts. Will be going for the CoC 3.0 this year, as well as working up to attempting to beat an braced teeth lift rep WR set earlier this year (220 lbs. for 25 reps - Google it) but without bracing my hands on my knees.

Have been heavily focused on training using Biofeedback to guide my training. Look into this style of training. It will give you another tool that will unlock more of your potential than with pure trial and error. Has let me destroy records in weeks that usually takes months otherwise. Adam T. Glass. Walk the Road Less Travelled. Check them out. Will change things for you.

All I know is that it has led me to a OaDL of 321 with either hand (no straps or belt) after a brutal session of high volume training. Destroyed my filed down CoC 1.0 for over 40 reps in one set. After the aforementioned DL PR.

Will be posting regularly again, for the few of you that read this thing. If you ever want to contact me, the info is on the right -----------> and I can be found on Twitter as FunWithIron.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gear Changing

Recent heavy training has reminded me of an L5/S1 injury that is starting to nag, I have decided implementation of lighter training styles and more volume will be used. The only heavy work will be with pressesand grip lifts and teeth lifting.

Today's carnage was:

Gripper - CoC 2.0 for a LOT of sets of 2-4 reps.

LCCJ - 5 ladders of 2/4/6 with a 32 & 16 kg. Was a light day for this movement.

1" V-Bar - My first time with this movement. Got upto a double with my L hand and single with my R using 80 kg. Dropped it to 64 kg for 9 L and 6 R. I am a Rightie, so this was a suprise.

Had the urge to play with presses, finding double MP with 32 kg KBs easy. Played with the Stacked Press, and got 2x24 kg with L & R. Have never hit those numbers AFTER LCCJ and lots of grip work.

Have been continuing to dial in my nutrition needs. Not enough data to share yet. Will have some soon.

Also, nailed 171 lbs in the unsupported teeth lift I do. Thinking I will hit BW with that by years end. That and the CoC 3.0 are within reach. 56 kg in the Stacked Press is one of my Pressing goals. We shall see how it goes.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Heavy and enlightening....

Was tonight's training.

Strength in my teeth lifts is going nuts. 72kg is nothing to sneeze at, and felt easier than I thought. Posterior chain is going to be watched carefully while I continue with this lift, as I do it without hand support.

TGUs are also going nuts. Topped out at 195 lbs to the kneeling lunge position for both sides. Will be changing gears with these as my joints are starting to feel it. Will play with volume as over the last few sessions my form has really dialed in for this movement.

Presses have fallen to the wayside, but have not weakened, but as they are my focus, they will return to the forefront. Deadlifts, swings and LCCJ will return as well.

Dialing in my nutrition as well. A lot of focus on fatty acids and pre-post training supplements. Superfood blends were the most recent addition, and have had a HUGE effect. The rest still has a few days of tinkering before I am willing to say anything. Would rather share real results than share speculations.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Midnight KB Mayhem

Stress and insomnia can result in some strange things on occasion. Tonight was one of them.

Understand this: Biofeedback training is for real. It will unlock the magnificent potential of muscular power that only the Strongmen of yesteryear knew and enjoyed. And it is SO SIMPLE you will have to shake your head at the wasted time following all of the past routines and protocols. And the best part of all is that if you follow it honestly and correctly, it can ONLY provide results.

Tonights carnage:

Grippers - CoC 2.0 7x3 reps L/R straight sets, no ladders.

Cleans - 40 kg for a set of 10 per side as a warm-up.

TGU - 170 lbs full single with L & R, L side having an Armbar thrown in at the end for good measure. Heavy Armbars are one of my keys to upper back stability for heavy pressing and TGUs. Got a full TGU with 180 lbs to top it off. It was HEAVY. At that weight, you HAVE to have your lats activated, your shoulder screwed down and secure, and a grip on the bell like it is trying to kill you. Because it is. Was suprisingly stable to maneuver under.

Teeth lifts - after warm ups to save my neck from potential injury, I nailed 5 singles of a min of 5 seconds each with 60 kg plus an additional 10 lbs. These, as always, were supersetted with rows.

One-arm Bent Rows - started off with HEAVY partials with 270, from arms length to just below having my upper arm parallel to my torso, for a set of 6 each side. Teeth lifts seperated each set. Then backed off to 240 for a set of 6 then set of 4 for each side.

Double MP - did these with 2 different KBs, a 40 and 24 kg. Instead of following RTK protocol, I just let my body lead the way. Resulted in 6 total sets, alternating the KBs each set, for a set of 6 and 2 sets of 5 each side. Just to be clear: I would have the 40 kg on my L and the 24 kg on my right for a set, then switch on the next. I terminated each set as soon as the rep speed slowed any. The same for everything else.

That was it. Once again Biofeedback training has left me with my jaw on the floor. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention: for my TGUs, I do not proceed with any weight I cannot Floor Press into the start position. So I guess I can add a 180 lb Floor Press to the mix. Damn....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crazy things occur with Biofeedback Training

Have been applying what little I think I know about Biofeedback Training, and the results from it are INSANE.

New PRs:

- LCCJ a la RTK with 40 kg and 24 kg.
- Easy triples with 120 lbs in the one-arm MP.
- One-arm bent rows with BW (230 lbs).
- TGU+Arrmbar single with 170 lbs (roughly 45 sec time-under-tension).
- One-arm Swings with 170 for 2x8 L/R.
- Blue nail cut to 4.5 inches DU total bend with crushdown.
- Teeth lift of 60 kg for 4 singles of 5 second holds (I face the ground when I do these, so it is pure biting power holding the rope).

Biofeedback training is for real, and is beserk in its simplicity and effectiveness. In less than 8 weeks I have regained or smashed records that took years to accomplish initially, following an absence of these lifts for over 6 months prior.

Have taken the last few days off as the TGU and Swing PRs left me suprisingly sore.

Will post full sessions again tomorrow.