To quote National Lampoon's "Christmas Vacation": "it's the holidays, and we're all in misery". The sad part is we make this time of year unnecessarily complicated. My resolution is to not do that in the new year.
Anywho, training was short and sweet:
Warm-up: Swing/Clean/Bent Press combo, one set of 5 per arm, with 24 kg. Not too little, but just enough to get the blood going.
Presses a la RTK - 32 kg and 24 kg kbs with 2.5 lb plate taped to each. Scaled back from last set of training, where 5 ladders to 5 with another 5 lbs attached to each. Double MP are new to me with KBs, and decided to scale back before I aggrivated the muscle I pissed off a few months ago. Nailed 7 ladders of 5 with the slightly lighter weight for the second time. Volume is my mistress, it seems. Will go back to really heavy iron again, as a one-arm press with 75% of my bodyweight is my goal for the end of next year, or maybe the year after that. A handful of months building a new foundation will make my 145 just a stepping stone ;)
Weighted Pullups - From 8 kg to 30 kg, then 24 kg, all for singles, followed immediately with a double with BW, following my strict and explosive setup. Each "complex set" preceeded each ladder. My new goal with this is half BW from my waist for a single by the end of next year (right now, that is 120 lbs).
Deadlifts a la RTK - 2 x 24 and 16 kg, for 2 sets of 20. Second set may have been for 25, but I am not sure. Sometimes I hit a zone where I almost black out and do not remember how many reps I did. This happened a year ago when I took on a guy about 45 lbs of muscle bigger than me, and smashed him in a DL competition for 405 for 3, then 315 for 23, 5 reps of which I do not remember. And in case you are wondering, I had only deadlifted twice before this after a 2 year layoff, handling nothing more than 205 in the Zercher DL (from ground). This is what KB style training will do for you.
No grippers, no grip work at all. Gave them a day off. Have also started up on the Anabolic/Metabolic Diet, having had enough with the Warrior Diet for the last 6 years. This will go for a while, then I will most likely try to blend the two into a hybrid, something expressly forbidden by both. To bad for them.
Tomorrow is Ataturks, and snatches, plus grip work, if I do not get to post. Ciao for now.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
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Oh. I forgot to mention the DL PR above was done with NO belt, NO shoes, and NO staps. Chalk and determination baby, that was all.