Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tonight's Fun

Tonight was short and sweet, once again tempered by the Gym Movement ideology.

Was 2 full ladders with the grippers, same resistance as yesterday, but for sets of 2-4. Stopped when I suddenly hit a block with the CoC 2.0 on the third ladder. The grippers beat out BU Curls.

Next up was ballistic work, either with Swings or LCCJ. Long cycle won out, two arms over one, with heavier resistance beating out light. Not sure if this is how you choose resistance, but seemed to work. 5 ladders of 2/4/6, with a 32 kg and 16 kg, switching KBs between arms each ladder. Stopped after 5th ladder when the rep started to feel a little off.

Followed it all up with a single set of standing rollouts with two home-made ab wheels (thanks

Everything was well before failure. 32 kg flew up, and I noticed it barely felt like more resistance than the 16 kg. What does that mean? Guess I am getting stronger. Felt great after, almost like I had done nothing. Now for tons of food and bed.

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