Friday, October 8, 2010

Working Too Much

Sorry yall. Have been on the road almost non-stop for months now, and my training plans with the exception of BW work, grippers, and anything I can substitute with the TNT bands (from, has gone to the wayside.

So joint mobility work, respiratory musculature training have been receiving more emphasis, as well as a complete dietary outline upheaval.

My Overhead Press numbers with the TNT bands are going nuts, with me working up to doubles with 2 black bands and 1 green band at 2.8 times the resting length. According to LifeLineUSA, the three bands I work up to total 280 lbs resistance at twice their resting length. So I have no clue as to the actual resistance level, but it is not easy. And they REALLY try to get away from you, so you have to really keep the shoulder capsule locked down and your pressing line dialed in.

Have been experimenting with utilizing multiple sets with lower reps in a rest-pause style on one meta-set utilizing more than one pressing angle, before I switch to the other arm. It has vastly improved overall stability and power transferal through the joint, with no real effect on increases in resistance. Coupled with BW rows to keep the antagonists up to par, my pressing power is improving greatly, evident when I actually get to use my KBs when I am home.

Seriously kicks your as when it cones to making everything full body, as you have to resist the off-angle pull when you are working one arm at a time. Which brings me to windmills with these things:


The way to go about them is a little tricky and would take a long while to explain, but suffice it to say that it takes serious control, and because the resistance increases as you return to a standing position, it gets worse as you push through the hardest point. I preceed these with what looks like side presses to force my shoulders to work from a state of pre-exhaustion to challenge my stabilizers. Seems to do the trick.

The rest is usually whatever I feel like doing or tests well. Usually it is Teeth Lifts, gripper work, bridging, bw squats, and ab work. Whatever tests well.

Combined with cleaner eating and intermittent fasting (Eat-Stop-Eat is the real deal), I am going to be implementing Mike T. Nelson's Met Flex knowledge and the wealth of hormone optimization literature Mike Mahler has produced, things should get interesting.

I will try to post as often as Internet connectivity allows, as being a remote site Medic does not allow for great comm access of any sort.

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